Series: Princess Tutu
Debut: Acen 2007
Competitions: None
Awards: None
Status: Completed
started watching this show in late February 2007 and just devoured the
whole thing. I LOVE TUTU. And if you aren't watching it
because you think it's a fluffy little mahou shoujo, you would be
pleasantly surprised. It's quite deep, very dark, and
charmingly engaging. Or engagingly charming. Whatever
way you like it.
I really hadn't considered costuming Tutu until I realized that a
friend of mine already had a Kraehe costume, and then the bug bit
me. We decided to prance around and look ridiculous, but at
least we were doing it together. Actually, Snowhite
Dahlia looks quite the part in her Kraehe. ^^ We had
great fun.
I did a lot of bit work on this. The actual pink tutu itself
was purchased online as part of a whole leotard/tutu combo. I
hacked off the leotard and replaced it with this one. The
pendant was made with foamies and beads, and the bracelets (one of
my favorite parts!) were made by me, with these beautiful gold glass
pearls I found at a wholesale bead show. ^^ That was
The wig was a TRIAL. This is the first wig I've dyed since the
original Ayanami Rei, and I'm fairly pleased with the results, if
not with the wig itself. I used the rubbing alcohol and
acrylic ink spray method, and it worked alright. The wig began
as a platinum blonde, medium length shag. The dyeing took
about three tries to get her ridiculous mango shade, but I think the
quality of the wig effected the final result, which was a little
uneven. I believe I shall try again with a better wig.
^^ It was also cut, and the feather headpiece was created with
pads from Ebay. It is removable... thank goodness. o.o
And I do not yet have the guts or the training to wear pointe
shoes... although for future photos I may try it. ^^;
And hope I don't kill myself.
This costume made it's debut at Acen 2007. ^^ My Kraehe
is of course Snowhite Dahlia, and my Fakir is Random Karen.
courtesy of