Sophie Hatter {Beginning Dress}
Series: Howl's Moving Castle
Debut: Anime Oasis 2006
Competitions: None
Awards: None
Status: Completed
After finishing the
other dress, I wasn't really intending to make this one. But while I was shopping for my Neo-Queen Serenity fabrics, I came across this new fabric... the exact same fabric as the other dress, just in this perfect green. Well, who am I to argue with fate (and fabric on sale for $4 a yard), so I went ahead and bought it, and poof! Here we are.
As I said, the fabric in this dress was the same amaretto solid as the blue one, just an unbelievably lucky find for the color. Going through this the second time was - needless to say - much easier. I'd figured out the alterations to the pattern with the first dress, so applying them again was relatively easy. I did still have to go through the hassle of hand gathering, AUGH, but again, it was worth it. All the accessories from the other dress accompanied this one, except for a new wig and the pretty straw hat! This one also has a pocket in the left hand seam of the skirt. ^^
This dress (and the
new photos of the other) I was really excited about because I got to wear the brown colored contacts I bought. WOW, that was an experience >.< it took me an hour to get them in the first time, but the effect was totally worth it. =D
This costume made its debut at Anime Oasis 2006, rather as a little surprise for my friend PikminLink, who made the charming Howl costume you can see in some of the photos. ^^
Photos courtesy of
Eurobeat King of cosplay.com, and Sleepy.