Harold Belserius
Series: Tales of Destiny 2
Debut: Animeland Wasabi 2010
Competitions: None
Awards: None
Status: Completed
This was a super-fun project proposed by the illustrious Dahlia,
who wanted to get a group of "Tales of" costumes together! I
chose Harold for the utter delight and ridiculousness of the
costume. I can't really say no to fuchsia hair, anyway.
The costume consists of some rather wild elements and bright colors,
including tall pink boots and a super puffy skirt! The bodice
is supported with a corset, and the wig was custom dyed to match!
One of my favorite details, as per usual, are the earrings, which
were hand cut from brass.
This costume made its debut at Animeland Wasabi 2010.
Materials List
Patterns -
Simplicity 5006
Fabrics & Notions - Synthetics from JoAnn and Denver Fabrics.
Accessories - Boots from
Electrique Boutique.
Photos courtesy of Eurobeat King.