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Click for larger imageGunner Yuna
Series: Final Fantasy X-2
Debut: ACEN 2005
Competitions: None
Awards: None
Status: Retired

I like Yuna. ^^ Nearly-perpetual cheer, hope, and innocence (do we see a pattern here?)! I enjoy the character (it seems like most people either love her or hate her... So I like her, whatever. ^^), and both games, and this is one of the most fun costumes I've worn.

I wanted very much to use a lot more natural fabrics like bubble and crinkle cotton, for the top and skirt. The hood was a knit salvaged from a sweater that was falling apart. I purchased most of the jewelry from Ebay, already in use with the Songstress, as is the hair tail. ^^ The belt was an existing belt that I murdered rather gruesomely, and the pouch is marine vinyl stitched by hand.

The skirt gradient and the pink lace is all hand-dyed, and the cuffs on my upper arms were white vinyl that I had to color with a yellow Sharpie. ^^ Yaaay. The boots were a great Ebay find, and just needed the laces changed out. The Tiny Bee prop guns were commissioned from Fantasy Props.

This costume made its debut at ACEN 2005.

Original character image from here.

Photos courtesy of Lionel Lum and Eurobeat King.